Distance education is becoming more and more common, and today distance education is\nwell established within academic settings. The aim was to investigate first-year pharmacy studentsâ??\nexpectations and perceptions of web-based pharmacy programs and of their future profession.\nFurthermore, student characteristics were compared over time. A questionnaire was distributed\nto all first-year students admitted to the pharmacy programs at UmeaUniversity in 2017. The\nstudents were asked questions about their background, motives for choosing pharmacy education,\nand their expectations and perceptions of their education and profession. Factors of most importance\nwhen choosing the education were: the education is interesting, leads to an interesting job, and is\nweb-based. The studentsâ?? expectations of the education were high, and they want to learn as much as\npossible and be well prepared for their future profession. Regarding the studentsâ?? perception of their\nfuture profession, three themes were identified: to help other people, professional development, and\nemployment related issues. Student characteristics have changed over the years, suggesting that the\nweb-based pharmacy education and the flexibility it entails attracts other groups of students today\ncompared with when the programs started.